Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ode to the food service employee

As of today, I am convinced that one of my professors looks like Hugh Grant. I think we can all assume who. ;)

But futhermore, we've begun brainstorming about the available topics to write within our environmental theme. I'm really eyeing the Mercury and the Dirty-Air stories; already I'm thinking of some possible angles and sources to contact.

The ethics class today changed my whole perspective on journalism. Dr. Blevens explained some moderate examples in ethics, confusing to comprehend (I was brainwashed with the journalism textbook for two years afterall), but they make sense. He's ingrained the subject matter into our heads so much that the inside joke in every decision the ten of us make is: Is it ethical?

Priya and I are stuck to the back of the room. It's difficult to participate in conversation because of the distance, but I laugh when they do anyway. It was mandatory to create this virtual journal, but the juicy burger made it all worthwhile; thank you, Grill Works lady!

"So, do you like doing this?" I asked, flipping an invisible burger with my hand to the woman. I naturally get different answers everytime; I wonder what she thought.

She replied with a cheeky grin, "I like cooking for you guys."

Ask me--
News Girl


Anonymous said...

I heard you bellyaching about creating this blog lol. Hopefully you'll like blogging more after this workshop. And that burger lady was nice, huh? :)

Jaya Lakshmi said...

She is nice and she's a good cook.
Today Dr. Blevens will assign us our stories. I hope we get the ones that we want.

CHRISTY said...

"Im flipping an invisible burger" lol =D
n ya he does look like hugh grant! lol
older skinnier version lol
hes got the english accent to